Here’s a list for the world’s top 5 poetry awards that you may know

Here’s a list for the world’s top 5 poetry awards that you may know

Poetry is a form of wordplay that not everyone can possibly attain and comprehend. Yet it dates back to the most ancient languages in human civilization. From rhyming to forming couplets to free verse, it has come a long way to manifest itself into what it is today. Yet everyone who writes has always craved to be recognized.

We have made it all simpler for you. Below are world’s top 5 poetry awards that you may apply to boost your worth and reach billions.

Golden Wreath of Struga Poetry Evenings

Struga Poetry Evenings (SPE) is an international poetry festival held annually in Struga, North Macedonia. During the several decades of its existence, the Festival has awarded its most prestigious award, the Golden Wreath, to some of the most notable international poets, including: Mahmoud Darwish, Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayan Agyey, W. H. Auden, Joseph Brodsky, Allen Ginsberg, Bulat Okudzhava, Pablo Neruda, etc.

Griffin Poetry Prize (The international prize)

The Griffin Poetry Prize is Canada’s greatest poetry award. It was founded in 2000 by businessman and philanthropist Scott Griffin after whom it is named. The awards go to one Canadian and one international poet who write in the English language. Effective since 2010, the annual Griffin Poetry Prize was doubled from CAD$100,000 to CAD$200,000 in recognition of the prize’s tenth anniversary. The increased amount of $100,000 will be awarded as follows: CAD$10,000 to each of the seven shortlisted poets – four international and three Canadian – for their participation in the shortlist readings. The winners, announced at the Griffin Poetry Prize Awards evening, will be awarded CAD$65,000 each, for a total of CAD$75,000 that includes the CAD$10,000 awarded at the readings the previous evening respectively.

International Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine (Open First Prize=£5000)

The Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine was founded in the year 2009 by Donald Singer and Michael Hulse. The two founders “wished to draw together national and international perspectives on three major historical and contemporary themes uniting the disciplines of poetry and medicine: medicine as inspiration for the writings of poets; effects of poetic creativity on the experience of illness by patients, their families, friends, and carers; and poetry as therapy”.

Montreal International Poetry Prize ($20,000 prize for one poem)

The Montreal International Poetry Prize is a biennial poetry competition based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was launched in April 2011 during National Poetry Month. The competition invites online submissions of poems in English from anywhere in the world, and is adjudicated by a board of 10 international editors, which changes in every competition, but the winner is selected by a single judge – in 2011. The $20,000 (CAD) prize is the world’s largest monetary prize for a single poem. In addition to the winning poem, the Montreal Prize publishes, the top 50 poems in a printed anthology, with Véhicule Press.

National Poetry Competition (International, First Prize=£5000)

The National Poetry Competition is an annual poetry prize established in the year 1978 in the United Kingdom. It is run by the UK-based Poetry Society and accepts entries from all over the world, with over 10,000 poems being submitted to the competition each year. Winning has been an important milestone in the careers of many well-known poets.

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